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June 19, 2014

Why is Allergy Present More Now than in Past? Hygiene vs Hapten Hypothesis

It is pretty much well-established fact that there are more people with food and inhalant allergy now than in the past. Two main theories have been proposed to try and explain this unfortunate phenomenon that is affecting more kids with each new generation. Keep in mind the explanations provided below are significantly simplified for lay public understanding. One can go into cytokines, Th1 and Th2 responses, and other techno-jargon, but not here. Perhaps the most popular explanation is th…
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June 15, 2014

June 11, 2014

Are Surgeons Dumber than Anesthesiologists?

The British Medical Journal in 2011 published a multicenter prospective comparative study comparing the intelligence of orthopedic surgeons and anesthesiologists. Before I give you the answer, a little history... Traditionally, orthopedic surgeons have the unfortunate stereotype in the medical community of being  strong but stupid. Although making fun of orthopedic surgeons is a popular past-time among physicians giving rise to a number of jokes including: What do you call two orthopaedic…
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June 06, 2014

Diagnostic Test for Laryngeal Sensory Neuropathy (Chronic Cough)? SELSAP

Patients who suffer from a persistent chronic cough  undergo a tremendous amount of testing, trials of medications, and seeing numerous specialists to try and make the cough go away. Ultimately, the cough may be found due to a rare condition called laryngeal sensory neuropathy which is treated with anti-depressant and even seizure medications. This nerve also may contribute to other chronic throat symptoms including globus ,  throat-clearing , phlegmy throat , and  swallowing issues as well…
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